I feel like calling this an omelette is not right, maybe pancake? Maybe frittata? But really, at its core, it is a very simple omelette, so let's go with that and I shall just stop thinking about it.
For those of you who follow my instagram @michelles._kitchen you would be well aware that I have been looking into, and trying to follow, the MIND diet, which is a hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH diets, and just super easy to follow and a good all round diet for almost everyone. Interestingly, Mr T and I have both lost a few kilos since we started, we are both feeling less fatigued and both sleeping better, so that is a pretty good start I think. Anyway, on the MIND diet you eat six serves of leafy greens a week, so this is one of mine.
This can be made with any type of cabbage, in this case I used wombok because I find it a really nice cabbage to cook with, it is sort of a cabbage/lettuce type of leafy green, and Mr T prefers it to cabbage, savoy would also be very nice here, whatever you use, be sure to slice it very, very finely.

OO! Doesn't that look delicious!
Ingredients - made 2
About 2 cups of very finely shredded cabbage (whichever you use)
1 spring onion, very finely sliced
Any additional veg you want to pop in, I had a small zucchini in the vegie patch, so I sliced that really finely and added it, I would be very interested to add some carrot and possibly a radish.....
2 eggs
salt and pepper
Olive oil for frying
Pop your finely shredded veg into a large bowl, add the eggs and some salt and pepper, stir thoroughly to combine, yes, it really is that simple.
In a small frying pan heat some olive oil until a little bit added makes a sizzle, you really want a sizzling pan here, not too hot, but if it doesn't sizzle the omelette is more likely to adhere to the pan when you try to flip it (like my first one did), it will still be delicious, just not as pretty.
Add half the mix to the pan, cook until golden on the bottom, loosen it all gently underneath, flip it over, cook the other side. Serve topped with whatever you like, perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and a fine way to use up leftover bits of veg.
Happy Thursday, xxM