These little savoury seed nibbles are a really good alternative to crisps, cheese puffs, deep fried nibblys...... all those things that come in crinkly cellophane packages that we love to eat by the handful. They are very quick to make, you can either use an air fryer, which will make very short work of them, or spread them out on a tray and slow roast them in the oven. Keep the heat low so as to avoid oxidation of the volatile oils in the seeds, and ta, da! You have made yourself a much healthier alternative to the salty snack.

For each of these we start with 100g of sunflower seed kernals and 100g pepitas (shelled pumpkin seeds).
7g soy sauce
4g kecap manis (sweet soy)
10g sweet chilli sauce
Comine these sauces, add the 200g of mixed seeds, stir to coat completely, cook at 100 degrees C in the air fryer for ten minutes, stopping every few minutes to give it all a stir with a fork. Cool completely, store in an air tight container.
Garlic Chive
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 teaspoon dried chives
1 teaspoon olive oil
a little sprinkle of salt
Place your 200g mixed seeds into a bowl, add the olive oil, stir to coat the seeds, sprinkle on the other ingredients, give a good stir, cook at 80 degrees C in the air fryer for five minutes and then at 100 degrees C for six minutes, stopping every few minutes to give everything a good stir with a fork. Cool completely, store in an air tight container.
If you don’t have an air fryer (I don’t, the one I use belongs to the eldest Cookie House tadpole, Jon, I myself tend to eschew all cooking gadgets as unnecessary frippery, but I must admit, this one has a place in a health conscious kitchen), just spread the seeds out on a baking tray and toast in a slow oven (like, really, really slow, 80-100 degrees C) until they are dry and crisp, careful not to overcook, they will crisp up more as they cool.