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Victoria Sponge (Rob’s Sponge)


This recipe is for my Mum, Hi Mum! I made it recently for my daughter’s birthday, sadly, due to distance and Covid restrictions my Mum could not be here. It is HER birthday tomorrow, Happy Birthday Mum! So I am posting this now so she can make it herself if she wants to, and then it will sort of be like I am there.

This is a very basic Victoria sponge with raspberry jam and cream. I call it Rob’s sponge because the fellow who gave me the recipe’s name was Rob. Rob was a chef I worked with in the early days of my career, he had worked at one of the top hotels in Adelaide as a saucier or a sauce and soup chef. He was very, very good at sauces and soups, indeed he is the reason I am so very good at soups, but he was, like a lot of chefs, completely disinterested in baking or making desserts. This was his go to dessert recipe, and he adapted it to all sorts of things, trifle, gateaux, parfait, tiramasu, you name it, if it had cake in it, this was the cake he used in it, and a very useful, simple little cake it is.

Isn’t that pretty? Here it is in it’s simplest form, two sponge cakes, sandwiched together with homemade raspberry jam and cream, and it was DELICIOUS! Yes, I did have a bit, even though it ticked all of my food intolerance boxes.


160g plain flour

3 teaspoons baking powder

150g softened butter or margarine

3 eggs

150g caster sugar

1 tablespoon water

Preheat oven to 170 degrees C fan forced or 180 degrees C if not fan forced.

Pop the flour and baking powder into a large bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer and give them a good stir to combine, add the butter or margarine, eggs, caster sugar and water, beat until pale and fluffy, if the mixture seems a little too heavy, add another tablespoon of water.

Divide between two greased and lined springform baking tins, straight into the hot oven, bake for about 25 minutes or until golden and the centre springs back when you give it a gentle poke.

Turn out onto racks to cool, when cold sandwich together with jam and whipped cream. Dust the top with icing sugar. Done. Yes, it really is that easy.



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